I have been an antique collector/dealer for some thirty years. I suppose every collector eventually becomes a dealer. Over time we amass such a large amount of antiques that it becomes imperative to lighten up. I must say that my taste has not changed over this period of time. It is painted country pieces and folk art. What has changed within these area’s is locality. I have gone from Canadiana and Americana to European. Canadiana, there is nothing available as what was available has gone into collections or to the U.S. market. Americana, you have to deal in very high end and that is expensive.Well, that leaves European antiques.
In Europe you have good product availability, quality and diversification and if you are looking for “age” you will certainly find it there. The whole world collects European so that means the whole world is at your doorstep.
The countries that I concentrate on are France and Sweden and a little Italian. Both France and Sweden have a period that I like and that is “Empire” or the Napoleonic periods. In Sweden I also like the rococo period or the French equivalent “Louis XV”. Sweden is like a magical world where you find antiques that are pieces of art, for example, their tall case clocks known as “Mora Clocks”. Predominate colors are white, grey, blue and yellow. Their Empire period is very subtle compared to the French which have strong colors and a lot of mahogany furniture.
I think I should bring this to a close as it is getting a little long and one might get bored and fall asleep. However, one last point there are two of us that run Ryder Antiques, my son, Craig and myself, Lloyd. Craig does all the computer work, building and changing the web site etc. and he does a very good job. I do everything else. Both jobs are important. Thank you. Thanks Pop..;)
How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak because in your life you will have been all of these. – Sue Daharry.